If you suffer from RLS, or Restless Legs Syndrome, you eventually reach the point when unpleasant sensations in your legs aren’t the biggest issue you face: sleep deprivation is! Yet, you no longer need to suffer as there are easy steps and minor changes to your lifestyle and bedtime routine that will help you drift off and have a better night’s sleep tonight.
8 Steps Towards a Good Night Sleep for RLS Patients (and everyone else!):
1. Consult your doctor to ensure there are no serious underlying causes for your RLS.
While RLS is a separate disease, it can be triggered by underlying illnesses, such as kidney failure, diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, thyroid problems and so on. Be sure to consult your doctor to rule that out. Also be sure you bring up RLS symptoms if you take any medications: multiple studies suggest that RLS can start as a side effect to some drugs. In fact, sometimes the key to relieving RLS symptoms and getting a great night’s sleep is adjusting your prescription meds.
2. Cut down on caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.
Multiple studies link severe RLS symptoms to high intake of caffeine and alcohol, as well as smoking. Cut down on those, and you will see the difference in a matter of days! Also be sure to add moderate exercise to your routine: your muscles need workout for improved strength as well as better blood circulation. As an added bonus, your body will produce endorphins and serotonin, known as the ‘happiness hormones’ that, among other benefits, promote better sleep.
3. Use Magnesium Oil.
Magnesium oil is the fastest and safest way to deliver Magnesium to the cells, which provides an immediate relief of RLS symptoms such as unpleasant muscle sensations. Magnesium is also known for its benefits of improving sleep, so you get a double benefit! Unlike the pills, Magnesium oil does not have unpleasant side effects (it does NOT act as a laxative) and is absorbed within minutes, so the relief is felt almost immediately. Just spray it on your feet and let it dry. If you’re not a fan of oily products on your skin, bear with it for 20 minutes – the time your skin needs to fully absorb Magnesium oil – then it’s fine to wash off the remaining product.
4. Set up an evening routine, take a bath, relax and refocus your brain.
Taking a warm bath in the evening is a great way to relax the muscles, as well as the mind, preparing you for a night of quality sleep. If you’re a fan of aromatherapy, feel free to add a few drops of calming essential oils, such as Lavender, Bergamot and Ylang Ylang to your bath. After bath, refocus your mind with an engaging activity, such as reading a book or solving a crossword puzzle. Avoid playing video games or checking your smartphone to decrease your screen time before bed.
5. Have sex. Yes, really.
Not like you need any reasons to get down to business, but there are multiple reports about RLS symptoms being relieved by sex. This can be explained by the fact that our body releases multiple hormones in the process, enabling profound full body relaxation and making it easy to fall asleep afterwards. And yes, that’s some more ‘happiness hormones’ coming you way!
6. Do some stretching or a short yoga sequence.
Stretching your muscles before bedtime is a good way to minimize unpleasant sensations in your legs. The good old runners’ stretch should be your staple. If you do yoga, be sure to incorporate a short practice in your evening routine. Include the Legs Up the Wall pose, forward bends, Supported Bridge pose and Child’s Pose. Finish off with Savasana and a good round of Pranayama (yoga breathing).
7. Go to bed later to wake up later
If your schedule allows, try going to bed later and wake up later. RLS symptoms have a tendency to subside very early in the morning, so try to get the full benefit from those hours of morning sleep.
8. Get a vibrating pad
Some RLS patients swear by Relaxis or similar, a vibrating pad that is used at night to compensate for the natural urge to move the legs and keeping symptoms at bay. While not everyone enjoys all night long vibrations, this FDA-approved device is still worth considering if you’re on a quest for a quality night’s sleep free of RLS symptoms. Sweet dreams!
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